Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The Great 2018 Irish Adventure -- Part IV

If you missed the first part of our adventure, click the links...

The night of the last post (where we went to the cemetery, the beach, the castle, the abbey...), we arrived back at Uncle Con's house around 6:30.  Conall felt warm and immediately asked if he could lay down and take a nap. !!!!  He fell asleep at 6:30 and didn't wake up again until well into the night.  He was so fevered at around 10pm.  Now if you learn a lot about the individuality of each of your children when they are born and as they grow.  I feel for Conall's partner in life because Conall honestly does get the dreaded MAN COLD.  For the first 24 hours of any cold (no matter the size), he always gets very fevered (like a temperature over 102, one time he reached 103+) and is sick to the point where you question whether you take him to the emergency room, EVERY TIME.

And every time he gets sick, I always say to myself "Self, give this 24 hours and he will be fine." But every time, seeing him get as sick as he does, I always get super scared that this isn't a cold, that it's more.  And this time, I'm also in a foreign country, even more I'm in RURAL foreign country.  He began talking in his sleep around 10pm.  And then he woke up and started having auditory hallucinations.  He was hearing voices tell him things, which was kind of creepy.  But the icing on the cake was when my four-year-old opened his eyes and said, "Mommy, I just had a bad dream.  I dreamt that you were crying and you told me not to die."  !!!!!!!!!  I immediately looked at Eain and I'm like "WHAT THE F&%#??????"  So after some internet researching and some serious fretting, we woke him up and had to ask a four year old to swallow a cut-up Advil just to get his fever down.  It took about 20 minutes, but he successfully swallowed the piece of the pill and fell asleep.  And sure as the sun shines in the morning, he woke up feeling better.  Eain went to the local pharmacy in the morning, got some children's medicine and we gave him a dose the next day and by the end of the day, he was right as rain.

That next day, we went into Donegal town because they were having a car rally race called the Cannon Ball.  There Conall and Finorah got to meet the Black Panther.  There were all sorts of costumes and all sorts of cars.  It was super fun for the kids to see.

Conall even got to see his Lamborghini (which is always green with no lid (i.e. a convertible)).

Jess in her spot

On our last day, Eain got out some feed and let the kids feed the sheep closest to the house.

And we took one final photo of all the wool the kids helped haul.

And one final photo of them on the quad

On our final day, we were also able to get some family photos in with Uncle Con, Uncle Tony who came over from England for our final day or two and Aunt Peggy, Uncle Con's wife.

E's mother was over with her friend Mary and they stopped up to seeing Uncle Con for an afternoon as well.

One of our last evenings, we went to E's cousin's Mary's house.  The big thing in Donegal for the teenagers is to buy a tractor for their vehicle.  Apparently, it's less expensive than getting a car! Conall got to ride in his distant cousin's tractor.  He was so excited!  And that evening, Finorah got to play with a bunch of girls who were her distant cousins as well.

On the flight home, Conall was playing with his men and he had on my neck heating pad that helps ease the pain of uncomfortable seats for me and my neck.

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