Monday, May 13, 2013

A Week in the Life (v.10.2)

Throwing biscuits to the dogs

Close up of my girl

She will throw a little tantrum when I tell her that she can't get in the cabinet to feed the puppies treats.

Trying to be like Mama with a bag over her shoulder and one of my shoes on

Grammy Pasker gave her a bunny for Xmas that has her singing "their" song on it.
Finorah won't let the puppies touch it.  And she will also cry if the bunny is not sitting up straight, which proves difficult as the bunny has absolutely NO backbone.

Poppin' tags with Daddy

Can you find Finorah?

Look at what Daddy found!!!!!

Looking through the rearview mirror

According to Daddy, she looks like an future axe murderer...

I had an even cuter video of her doing this -- without the 10 seconds on the end of her NOT wanting to show me her ears.  But I deleted it when I was trying to show it to E.

Finorah's gift to me on Mother's Day

Sitting pretty on our convention oven

Going out to dinner with the neighbors for Mother's Day.
She was quite the attraction while eating her yogurt.
Three tables around us were pointing and laughing at her.

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