Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A face that could launch a thousand ships...

This video is a week old and I really like to maintain updated photos, but too cute not to share.
She is talking to herself (seeing herself in the video of my phone).

As you can tell, Finn LOVES to watch herself, whether it is on video or in the mirror.  So that video was obviously taken while she was in the Mamaroo as you can tell by the “we-are-on-a-boat” motion-sickness kind of way.  And you can also tell that our go-to phrase to get her to look is “Where’s the baby?”  The mirror is much more fun, as she will look in between herself and me.  And when she looks at me, I gasp and she starts to smile and talk even more.  She also does this thing where she’ll play peekaboo with herself.  She’ll stare in the mirror and then suddenly turn her head 180 degrees.  She’ll sit there for a couple of seconds (almost like counting to herself) and then whip around to see if the baby is still there.

Milk drunk stupor...

Apologies go out on this post as all of these photos & videos were taken on our phones.  No “good” photos in this post – because I was too lazy to go through the ones that I took over the weekend.  The weekend was nice and lazy for Finn & I while E slaved away at work all weekend (he has a grant due on Friday).  We did have a fun dress-up session on Sunday.  As we don’t have any dress-up clothes for her yet, I decided to whip out the dog costumes, which resulted in lots of various hats on her head.  Now before you go all DFS on me, they were clean and they were only the hats, not the full costumes.  But I was seriously tempted by our dog dinosaur costume, which features a stuffed caveman that sits on their back with a club.

In other HUGE developments, Finn decided to stop holding out on us.  She rolled over from tummy to back on Sunday… FIVE times!  Thankfully, E was present the first time she did it!  And yesterday after work, she rolled over THREE times.  But she decided that she didn’t want to roll over when Daddy came home.
20 weeks old
I went out to lunch with a friend on Saturday and left Daddy on duty.  No funny business ensued like the last time, but he did take the photo above.  I'm going to retake the photo on her original bed-spread and get the sizing just right.  But holy cow!!!  Look at the lady grow!!!

So I get the photo below texted to me this morning.  Daddy dressed her all by herself!  I have to say E might have a calling in fashion.  (Sorry for the blurry photo.)  In case you were wondering, her shirt says "Born to Shop"... Boy, is Daddy in trouble when she gets old enough to ask for the credit card...

Then I get this video texted to me.  I have to say that while the photo above made me smile -- the video below made me laugh out loud, right in the middle of my cubicle with all my new co-workers.  Everyone thinks that I'm the crazy new lady now, cackling to herself in the corner.

And finally, I get this photo texted to me, which resulted in another laugh out loud moment.  The girl is seriously infatiuated with showing off her stomach.  Seriously...

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